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A non-geographic number is a phone number that is not tied to a specific location, often used by businesses for national or international contact points.
Non geographic numbers
Non-geographic numbers offer businesses a national presence without physical limitations, providing flexibility by allowing calls to be redirected easily. They are cost-effective, with toll-free options encouraging customer engagement, while also enhancing professionalism and credibility. Additionally, non-geographic numbers offer tracking and analytics features, enabling businesses to monitor call volumes and gather valuable insights into customer behaviour.
Opus provide cloud based non-geographic virtual telephone numbers. In addition, any businesses in the UK can register virtually any area code and host it as a ‘virtual’ or ‘VoIP’ number.Our carrier grade portal even offers you the flexibility of managing your numbers wherever you are. Also, if you have a non-geographic telephone numbers that originates with another carrier, we can port this to a preferred carrier
The benefits of non geographic numbers
- Dynamic routing instantly
- Automatic Fail over and Disaster Recovery
- Initiate Disaster Recovery plans via a smartphone, tablet or internet
- Optional add-ons such as Cloud based auto attendant and call queuing
- No need to change your number as numbers sit on top of existing landline number
How we are currently performing
Some additional benefits of non geographic numbers
Effectively track calls and enhance management reporting with easy to interpret Inbound call statistic graphs. Includes Snapshot data revealing results of call handling efficiencies to ensure informed operational decisions are made instantaneously e.g. When are my busy hours? How many customers are getting through? Where are my callers based?
Inbound lets incoming calls queue to a destination number to help with call handling during busy periods. You can also monitor your customer service with live queue statistics and let instant changes be made to queue management and size, whilst providing optional queue breakout and overflow preferences to an alternative destination, announcement or voicemail service.
Optional features
- Auto attendant (IVR) allows file announcements to be uploaded to an Inbound call plan as a way of communicating with callers. IVR can be used to provide callers with call routing options and announcements to inform them of details such as opening hours when the office is closed.
- Advanced call statistics provides you online access to comprehensive live call statistics. These statistics shows you call handling efficiencies such as productivity, call patterns and caller behaviour.
- Administration rights enable an account administrator to add new users and assign them access rights and specific numbers. They can also create profiles for additional users in an instant, and control who can see and change what within an account.
- Inbound reports can be scheduled so that call statistics for daily, weekly or monthly time periods can be automatically sent to up to three dedicated email addresses, saving time and freeing-up managers.
- Call recording can be used for compliance, customer service or audit purposes – great for businesses operating in regulated environments such as the Financial Services sector.
- Call whisper can be used to play a brief message to the call centre operative just before the call is taken giving further information on how to answer the call, allowing a more tailored response and supporting marketing campaign targeting.
- Voicemail management allows you share or archive voicemail across your sites or teams. You can choose to retrieve voicemails online or by email as .wav files – a great way to maintain records and audit trails for callers’ messages.
- Inbound app can be downloaded to enable Inbound call management from your smartphone, anytime and anywhere. Great for making changes on the move or in a disaster recovery scenario, the app provides you access to key Inbound functions in addition to call history and weekly call trends.
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